Sunday, August 1, 2010

Way before time.

As usual, the morning is plain boring! Woke up so freaking early because some douchebag forgot to draw the curtains. Around 8.30am, the sunrays came into my room and was like "Good morning sunshine!", damnit. You're going down with Klaudia for waking me up so early in the morning! *draws curtains

Mum said IF she is able to run away from her work by 2 pm, she'll bring us out for another movie! I want to watch Inception so damn badly! Mum said it's about people stealing your dreams? Dad said it's about world without gravity force? What...? Never mind, I'll watch it myself! ==

Today's is Aunt's birthday!

Going out for dinner at Petaling Street. I wonder why they love going there to eat. There are drug addicts, and rats in every corner of a dark alley! Plus the place looks like tsunami just came through and BOOM, pipes leaking and water puddles? YUCK. I rather eat in my bathroom, whatever.

I hope I can snap some pictures to be put in this empty place. But I doubt it, unless you want to see pictures of mice, rats and dead rats. LMAO.

; over and out.
This was taken way last year. The girls and I went out for bowling at Endah Parade. It was quite fun, but they spelled bowling as boling. Malaysians..

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