Friday, July 11, 2008

Damn my LIFE

My life is like the most horrible thing I had ever seen!
Always stress here and stress there! I think I will have tons of white hair by now. ><
Going to Pavilion on Sunday. Thinking to buy something for a special someone :)
It wasn't anything special. Just that the person I'm, I mean WE, are giving to is special..
Just collected a bunch of $$ . RM42 I think :/
Hope it is enough to buy that something.
Also hope that special someone will love it :D
Everyone was a part of IT. Everyone's together. Everyone's hardwork.
Let's just hope again, that the special someone will realize it.

I have been helping PnHaliza for the last 2 weeks.
I have been skipping class ever since I start to help PnHaliza.
I missed lots of things. I like skipping but I also felt guilty.
Skipped homework,classwork.
If you are curious on what I have been doing for the last 2 weeks, I'll be glad to share with you. PnHaliza gave me all the Form2 classes' name list, their personal details.
The things the teacher always keep in their 'special yellow book'.

Yes, me and Anussha was assigned to re-type all those informations.
Check it, and run it again.
Clear names that has already transfer out and add names that transfer in.
I wasn't an easy job. Unless you think checking 1 name by 1 name is easy. :/
But don't worry! I won't let the cat out of the bag :)
I'm trustable I won't spilt the personal information to anyone.
That includes the phone number,house address and etc etc.
We were given the job because some LAZY teacher is just too lazy to do it.

But not all. Some teachers were hardworking! :DD
By the way, I was doing class 2A5. But the work went bonkers !
Someone or 'something' mess it up. The information are mixed up !
2A5 + 2A3 + 2A1. @@ It was a mess !
When PnHaliza asked me, DID I DO IT. I shoke my head until it almost fall off.
PnHaliza was indeed pissed off. She was yelling her head off !
I hate to say it, but all the bad words start coming out of her mouth ! ;DD
Bad words like -> (I'm giving examples :D)
F*** @@ ; BAB* o.0 ; Idiot ; stupid ; bodoh ; gila
hahas. Well, it took me and Anussha 4 periods just to retype everything.
It was hardwork. Don't you ever think it is easy ! :D

Anussha was doing 2A8's work. Hardwork for her :)
She has to type their Unit Beruniform, Sukan and Kelab.
She said her eyes are about to burst into flames~ lalala~
Well, she finished in the end. PnHaliza wanted to 'check'.
Her check was to check for 1 minute. But their form teacher, Mr Loh, was a funny man!
He simply save the files. And he didn't finish his work. Just pass it to Anussha.
With so many demands ;) PnHaliza and Miss Yap 'gossiped' about him ;D

PnHaliza / Miss Yap
This teacher says he know how to do everything.
But end up...

Buat gila only.
Miss Yap and PnHaliza said a lot of GILA just now ;DDD
They GILA one. GILA people. Do GILA work. GILA GILA GILA !
Memang mereka GILA la. GILA betul.

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