Wednesday, January 23, 2008

express LOVE

my LIFE's like a FILM.It always ends with THE END

Today is seriously NOT fun. :(
hurt myself like thousand times!
got UP early cause of ONE reason!
Thanks to KOKJUN!!
He called me and sms-ed me like NUTS!
all because of ONE question..
the solution to HIS problem is to restart his COM
which he cant figure out!!
then my hair is a TOTAL mess!
like all boinking UP.. =.=
got angry and put water on my hair..
so i come down!.. lol
after breakfast,went to clean up my COM room
start by cleaning my mum's stuff
and then my toys..
my mum only has a little stuffs..
but my toys is ALOT!
like barbie doll houses :]
and small boxes :]
see the BLUE box behind the red round box?
that's from Pn.Wong..
my ex-primary school teacher ;]
got bored and do FAKE finger nails with my sis..
its for kiddys actually..
but long time edi didnt do..
so play for fun ;D
its VERY fake..but its nice
fake right,dude?
yeah..its fake..
ii like the pink and green strip more :D
its stickers which i have to stick them on.
went out with my family for dinner
so full..:]
after feeling the full-ness
ii blog to less the full-ness xD
dont understand that sentence

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