Tuesday, February 17, 2009

You're more important than my own life

They say loving you gives pains and full of sacrifices But I'll rather take pains and lots of sacrifices than not to be love by you.

As to be told and planned, we're going to paint our class this Saturday. The judgement day is not important. We only wanted to paint our class. To make it look better and feel better. It feels like we're in HELL when we're in the class. Hot, dirty and disturbing words all around.

There's this ham sup lou is my class too. I'm not sure should I call him that. I mean, he looks innocent and nerdish like? Calling him that makes me feel guilty. But there ISNT any other words to describe him. When he talks to girls, he'll try his best to walk as near to them as he could. Although being yelled not to stay so close, he pretended he cant hear what she was trying to tell him and moved a few steps closer. Ham sup ?

While talking to you, he'll blink his eyes more than what "normal" human being will blink. He also twitches his lips. Like wanna kiss people? @@ BIN TAI LA.
To YINGYEN ; your class is not the ONLY class that has a bin tai lou ;X

It rained heavily in the afternoon around 4.30pm ? It was super scary. Especially the loud thunders. I really hate thunders!! Luckily, he's there to accompany me until the storm is over. Thanks (:


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