Sunday, September 14, 2008

yesterday is over

When you heard the word ; Mooncake festival. The first thing that comes to your mind is sure gonna be Lanterns. But Lanterns is too old fashion. The newest and trendiest fashion is Candles ! Why? Because it's just fun to burn and it gives out bright light. It makes you think ; Why didn't I see such beautiful things in my life??

Candles is beautiful, bright and lively. But Candles also mean FIRE ! Too much fire causes the house to burn down. Or the floor to turn black. Just like MINE! :D
It started with such a cute little fire. Could't hurt a fly right? Later, things got out of hand !
Become? Combustion. Open burning. Now, the floor has turn black. Whose job it is to clean it? Scrap it? Polish it? This nutty girl here.

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