Mum said IF she is able to run away from her work by 2 pm, she'll bring us out for another movie! I want to watch Inception so damn badly! Mum said it's about people stealing your dreams? Dad said it's about world without gravity force? What...? Never mind, I'll watch it myself! ==
Today's is Aunt's birthday!
Going out for dinner at Petaling Street. I wonder why they love going there to eat. There are drug addicts, and rats in every corner of a dark alley! Plus the place looks like tsunami just came through and BOOM, pipes leaking and water puddles? YUCK. I rather eat in my bathroom, whatever.
I hope I can snap some pictures to be put in this empty place. But I doubt it, unless you want to see pictures of mice, rats and dead rats. LMAO.
; over and out.

This was taken way last year. The girls and I went out for bowling at Endah Parade. It was quite fun, but they spelled bowling as boling. Malaysians..
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