Yeah I just got back from school. Came home and turned on my Twitter immediately! I want to know every latest news of SuG! I just can't wait for weekends to come, I realllllyyyy want to get their album! Looking forward to grabbing a Japanese rock magazine too! :D I'm so crazy!
I was just strolling through Twitter and I read that one of SuG's fans already has her DVD!
She's so lucky! I'm like so fucking upset I can't order it online! It's not like I can afford to pay farking 203 bucks for just one DVD :'( I really wanted it, but I can't afford it! Fucking why don't they let me work part time?! Fucking why is weekends so damn fucking far away?! I can totally feel her now, I'll be crying so damn fucking bad if I had one of their DVDs!!
Why did they decide to go to Singapore but not Malaysia?! I want to see them so damn badly!! Takeru said he can only afford to tour around Tokyo unless other countries invited them over, come on idiots!! INVITE THEM OVER!!
I'm in a fucking sad mood now :'( well, guess I'll be looking at them through pictures on the net. Maybe if she was living nearby, I could go to her house to watch it or something. LMAO, like that will ever happened.

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