Since exams are starting, so may as well study like mad. I studied for 1 hour and rested for 2 hours? Oh my gosh, that's like so cool! Then I ended up being on Facebook. Studying alone is not working, studying with friends ain't working that well either! Studying is NOT working, in conclusion! :O
I think that I was distracted by everything. Ants, flowers, wind blowing around me. OMG. I was so bored while studying, I decided to snap some pictures.

And and I don't have a DSLR! :) Just a simple camera. Some people said that looking at clouds brings boredom tears to their eyes. FYL, they are so beautiful to be looked at. This morning, it was green with blue, then purple with orange and then yellow with grey! I was admiring it the whole day in school, beautiful.
Here's a few picture of a Cumulus cloud near my housing area.
Oh by the way, did I told you that my study table is located outside of the house? No? Well here it is. It's near some potted plants, so it ain't that hot. It was quite windy and chilly outside :) !
Well for me, studying means getting bored. So snap a few nuisance pictures.
I was filling up my accounts Profile paper. Guess what random names I created up? ;D
In the end, I was so happy because I managed to get some Moral things into my mind. I ran back into the house and kind of, fell down? Hurt my feet. Fml for running.
Few more pictures of the Cumulus clouds and the sunset :) !
If you're interested in clouds formation, check out this webbie!
♥ Click here for more pictures! Bet you'll be shocked and inspired :)
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