Li Jien was plain sick this morning. This is the first time I see Li Jien sleeping in class and did not do her BM work! She's usually the most worked up girl in class and the only one to hand in her book. Yes, 1 out of 43 students handed in their KOMSAS. We are such hardworking people ;) Anyway, she was sleeping like a pigpig. Klaudia tried to wake her up a few times but failed, she must be in a deeeeeep sleep. Dreaming of who? Paip bocor?
We were talking about Tom and Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel. Hey, they are not bad looking and they can play! I wonder why SOMEPEOPLE called them girls while themselves don't act manly enough. Come on, if you have balls you'll show your face to the world. Why not? Maybe your face's too ugly? Maybe your face's too cute until no one can resists it? whatever, douchebag.

Which reminds me, I have to listen to Dark Side of The Sun by Tokio Hotel. The song that Klaudia and Shobi kept reminding me to listen but I don't have the time! I'm too tired and lazy!
So, the interclass basketball competition is today. 4A12 started the game with a bang, everyone was cheering like mad people! They won and their next opponent is US! :O First we were all like, "OMG, so long didn't play! How how?!" but we got the hang of it. '12 played well as always! Sorry for hitting you or maybe accidentally pushed you? We really don't mean it!
As for '7, they were awesome! Sorry for those things we did wrong too! If all of us could play together, we'll win the who nation for sure! ;D Thank God we won, happy! It's not that sweet and easy to play okay? Those who said, basketball is sapsapsui fyl. It ain't.

I found this picture in one of the files. LOL, miss that lim su yen ;)
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