Okay this morning I woke up at 7.20am! I was so excited for the badminton thingy, I got ready in 10 minutes, by 7.40am I'm already waiting for Brian at the gate. SMS-ed him, just in case he forgets or something. He replied me with "Er wait" OMG, I'm worried!! Waited until 8.30am then he came. Phew, thank God he came. I thought he forgot about me and FFK :O arigatou Brian!
Talked about SuG on the way to the hall with Klaudia! OMFG, SHE HATES MASATO TOO! JOIN IN THE GANG? No wonder he has no fans, he doesn't give any good first impression to those who listen to their songs! LOL. Aw Klaudia likes Chiyu and Yuji, it's okay Takeru is mine! Stay away :p
We reached there and started playing. Honestly, I sucked in it big time. I think I embarrassed myself so many times today. I'm so not gonna play outside of that hall anymore! I think I mumbled 'Eff' to myself more than 20 times in just one game. Maybe my racquet is giving up on me too? It's not really working well, MALFUNCTION. And I thought fixing the handle will work, hell no. Klaudia was trying to embarrass me for the 1000000th time! She was like clapping for dicsern like mad! -___- although he was losing in the first set.
Going to MBO to catch a movie later. WAI?! I want to go to Midvalley and get their albums!! FUCK, I want to get their tshirts and Shoxx Magazine!! =.=

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