I've been checking on Takeru's Twitter and his blog almost everyday. I couldn't stand A day without looking at his posts, it makes me feel like he's just there. Right there :) he always tweeted or posted that he's very tired/sleepy. Get more rest Takeru! His last posts was like "can't sleep cause too tired." aw :'( I hope you could sleep well! I listen to your music all night before I could sleep, even if I was very tired. Please don't call me a crazy woman or anything (-_-)
Went to KLCC and Midvalley today. Thought about hunting for Tokyo MuZical Hotel album. Believe it a not, I went to 2 Rock Corners and 2 video shops, I couldn't find anything. All of them told me that they don't carry any of SuG's albums. HOW FREAKING DISAPPOINTING!! I was about to burst into tears when I heard that! and the worse part is, every shop is selling Korean albums. Super Junior's Live tour DVD took 1 whole rack itself. HOW UNFAIR. Mum asked the ladeh "How come didn't import more Japanese albums?". "Sorry cause Korean songs are the new IN thing now", she said.
I was disappointed yet angry, cause both my mum and my sister had fun shopping while I was there being all moody cause I don't get to buy the things I want. Oh well, I made the sour face expect to get some sympathy from Mum and I did it! She said she'll get the cd for me through the net awesomeness!! :D THANKS MUMMY, LOVE YOU SO MUCH. She knows how crazy I was over them!
"Are you sure this rock band isn't the type who shakes their head like crazy and smash guitars?", Mum asked. LOL of course not! :D
OHHHH and I even saw NeoGenesis and Shoxx Magazine at Kinokuniya. But the price is hell expensive. Highly robbery! I would get it if I had the money. It's so worthy because they carry the posters too! ROAR, I will get it as soon as I get my birthday kaching! ;) but it'll be better if someone buys it for me, bwahahahah.

Takeru's seducing look. WTF, so true. *likelikelike! His smile is melting my heart, and his dimples just shot me dead. Freaking handsome and cute! I can't wait to get his album! Love him so much :D
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