Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I definitely must have a Shoxx Magazine! I saw it today in Kinokuniya! Selling at RM68! I must have it, gonna save so much money for it :'( I don't care if it's in Japanese or Malay or Bangladesh language, I must have it especially if SuG's in it! *love

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Midvalley please!!

Friday, August 27, 2010
no tmh dvd?

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Tuesday, August 24, 2010
SuG loves ♥

A few bad words ain't gonna kill my whole life, well that depends. I've been tweeting a lot to Takeru but I haven't receive any replies yet. It's either -

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Takeru, loves.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Listen to their latest I Love Scream Party! It's rock and it's loud, close your ears and go watch Dora if it's too loud for you :)
I wonder why did that girl throw Takeru's flower away?! If it was me, I'll cherish it with all my life :DDDDD !
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Studying fail.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I miss audi?

Friday, August 13, 2010
Friday the 13th.
Today's like Friday the 13th. I checked the calendar and there's only ONE Friday the 13th in the whole year of 2010. That's today, ain't is such a big day? It's like someone's birthday! Anyway, it's supposed to be an unlucky day. Maybe only to some people?
Wayyyy in the morning, Klaudia already told me about her bad luck when her condo lift broke down and she has to run down 12 floors of stairs to catch her bus. Talk about, BAD LUCK. The best part is, she doesn't know today's the world Bad Luck day until I told her! Boy, she cursed like hell. We were all in class, chatting and laughing like mad people until we realized something -
Hey only half of the class came to school today? It's already 735am. When's the assembly going to start? Finally, we found out that they had forgotten us in the isolated place; the computer lab. What a nice way to treat us!
Fortunately, there's no mooncake tasting or else they will get it from me! I would do anything for food, well I'm not doing it if I have to strip or sell my body!!
I told the girls that I'm going to Far Far Away for the weekends. Shobi kept asking me, "Where is it near to?" LOL, honey you didn't get it. When I said Far Far Away, there's no 'near' to anywhere. Daniel was like telling stories about Shrek and all. We knew what was going through his mind, sleeping beauty, cinderella, snow white and all eh?
Far Far Away is actually a nice place to go to. Especially when you get permission to use the computer for 24 hours. Or when you get to eat as much as you like for 24 hours. Or maybe when you need to swim, play badminton for 24 hours. How about TV 24 hours? Far Far Away is heaven to me :) too bad it's all gonna end when Monday comes, damnit.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010
im really sorry? x'(

Sunday, August 8, 2010
basketball, failed.
Baggy bye bye :(
Friday, August 6, 2010
Kyle Kingsbury, rich, handsome and popular, plays a mean practical joke on an outcast girl in his class, who is really a witch named Kendra in disguise. The witch then curses him for his cruelty. He starts to turn into a beast; however, because he performed a small act of kindness shortly before his transformation when he gave an unwanted rose corsage to a girl working a ticket booth, she gives him two years to break the spell, or remain a beast forever.
The only way he can turn back to normal is if he truly loves a girl and gets her to love him in return, proving the love with a kiss. Kendra later offers Kyle further aid by giving him a magic mirror that shows him whomever he wishes to see. He is locked in a mansion-like apartment by his shallow, image-obsessed father. His only company is his housekeeper, Magda, and, at his request, a blind tutor named Will.
After a year of being in this state, and trying and failing to find love, Kyle changes his name to Adrian to reflect his feelings of being a completely different person from the conceited, materialistic boy he used to be. When a robber stumbles into his garden Adrian offers him a deal; he won't report the robber to the police if the robber brings Adrian his daughter, Lindy. She is Adrian's last chance to break the spell before his two years are up.
Adrian realizes that Lindy is the same girl to whom he gave the rose corsage. He fixes up a room for her, leaving roses and books for her to amuse herself with. When she arrives, she at first wants nothing to do with him as she feels he kidnapped her. As time passes, she slowly warms up to him and he finds himself falling in love with her. The two begin to have tutoring sessions together and during winter they go to a lodge. Shortly before the last year is up, Lindy wishes to see her father once more. Adrian lets her see him with the magic mirror and she finds that he has become sick through drug use. Adrian quickly lets her go to him and offers for her to return to the apartment in the spring if she desires, this time as a friend and not a prisoner.
On the last day of the second year, Adrian looks for Lindy in the mirror and sees her being dragged into a building by a man. He rushes to her rescue and is shot in the process. As he lays dying, he asks Linda for a kiss. She kisses him, breaking the spell and turns him back to normal. He explains everything to Lindy and the two go back and live in the apartment together. Adrian had also made a deal with Kendra, and because of which, Will regains his sight and Magda is allowed to return to her family. Kendra reveals that she is Magda, punished to remain a servant forever because of her careless spellwork but she can now return home as well.

The movie will be coming out in March 18, 2011. A modern Beauty and the Beast. Those who love that fairytale, will for sure love Beastly. Stay tuned for it! :D
Hello, shits.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Next, I'm going to post a post(LOL) all about the movie Beastly! :)