These few days I have not been blogging. Most probably is because I do not have any time to blog. Since our school decided to give us "free holidays", we get 2 weeks off. And that is for FORM4 only. Really exclusive, right? NOT, because of those "free holidays" we are supposed to hand in all of our projects by this week because this week is the last week and then the next week will be our holidays. So we were all rushing to finish our homeworks and assignments. Thank goodness we all finished on time, except for my Accounts project which I will hand it in on Monday. 良い仕事 everyone!
I did spent lots of time categorizing all of my beloved SuG photos in my computer. It's heck lot of work because I'm just a new fan, so I don't really know which photoshoot is for what song especially for those songs older than Scheat. So I made an album named "Unknown B.C." LOL for all those old photos of SuG ;D HAH!

Must like this one! I seriously don't know which song it belongs to, but Takeru looks so darn good looking in this picture. He must be 19 years old when this was taken, OMFG good looking till it gives me nosebleed
When I got home yesterday, I saw this big black box on my table. On it was my name and all those stuff! OMG, straight away I recognize the handwriting, it's from LiJien! I was so shocked she actually send the present by mail, ohmygosh I love you so much boon!!!
Inside of the box, a big SURPRISE card! HAHAHA, the card is so kiute if it's placed next to Shobi's card! First I thought she was about to give me mooncakes, cause well, she DID use a mooncake box! It's okay anyway, I love snow skin mooncakes!
The jacket and the shirt is so kawaii, yet it fits me well! I love them so much!
It was Snow Fairy by Funkist. Although I'm a bit upset they didn't play SuG, but Snow Fairy sounds nice too! Must be another Jrock band this Funkist. Going to find out about them! Checked on this website:
It said that SuG - Rocking Playin' Game will only be played on the 36th episode of Fairy Tail! Ohmygee, must I really have to wait that long?! I have to wait until the ending of the season to be able to hear Takeru's voice on television. Isn't that a bit unfair? D: Oh I got no choice. Moreover, I'm looking at Sundown Festival photos from a friends' webpage. I'm only looking at his picture and I'm melting inside me. HOW? What will happen if I really see him in person? :)
xo, 武瑠 .
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