Today is such a beautiful day. No matter how miserable my day could be, no matter how much naggings I get or how much depressed I am, listening to his voice always cheered me up. I am so glad I get to know him. Although he isn't here with me, but I know he's out there working so hard to make all his fans happy. LOL, yeap it's definitely Takeru! (:
Besides that, something exciting happened. Which I'm not going to spill now until my birthday is over. I can't tell anyone! Hm, anyway I told mum that Takeru's my future husband. LMAO, okay I'm mentally sick. Don't mind me people, I told her that. She showed me the "Are you Kidding me" look. Aw, that's so mummish :) Well now, I'm cracking my head for accounts. I tried doing more and more documents, just that the more I do, the more mistakes I'm going to make. Hell no, I'm half way dying here.

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