Honestly, today was an awesome day for me! I had so much fun at school! Maybe because I JUST SAW my favourite Jrockers on Animax! HOLY SHIT YEAH!! It was a commercial about Sundown Festival 2010 in Singapore, they feature LM.C and SuG on it! waddahella, I was over joyed!! They interviews SuG and even show some footage on their performance!! *I farking died
"Hello, we are SuG!" AHHHHH I screamed like mad, they were talking in English! Takeru's so freaking cute! ♥ The commercial lasted only 3 minutes, but to see them on TV for the second time, every seconds' worth while! Although the commercial was over, I waited for another hour. Maybe they'll show another commercial on SuG? but unfortunately no. Eeks, but I was so freaking happy I laughed in my sleep too. God, love them so much.
Today's also the first day of holiday, so I should be happy right? Get to slack at home and do nothing all day but to listen SuG's songs! ohyeah, the life. I just can't wait for SuG to come to Malaysia. This year has been a great year for them!
This very day in 2009, Shinpei joined SuG. It's already a year and he did an awesome job playing the drums and making everyone happy! Congratz, hunny! :) so proud of all of them! Anyway, going to grab some chow and watch DVDs. I really wanted SuG's Tokyo MuZical Hotel Live Tour DVD, but it's rather expensive here. I don't want to waste other peoples' hard earn money ): anyhow, wanna say -
for having the thought of wanting to buy it for me! You're such a nice friend, thanks anyway :) Don't need to spend your money on stuffs like these! ahaha.

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