Quickly called Anussha to asked her this and that this and that. You tend to ask million of questions just few hours before an event, right? That morning, I'm not sure if it's the butterflies in my stomach or that I'm not feeling quite well. Whatever, once I get there it'll be fine! :O After several calls and missed called. I've reached Sri Petaling's LRT station where most of the girls arrived already.


Klaudia's having a hair malfunction and has YET to stop touching it. Ohmygoodness, totally understand her feelings as I have short hair too! This time, there are more girls and guys compared to the last time we went to Times Square ;) Li Jien said she's gonna be late so what do we do to kill time?
Klaudia was standing oh so to the left ◄◄ to hide her hair malfunction, ohmygee it worked though! LOL and fyi: that's Klaudia's hand blocking our faces. It was turning out to be such a nice photo but Mrs TCFHLN blocked it :'( bodohnyaaa!
Li Jien and the guys finally arrived and WTF are we waiting for? JOM grab the LRT and head to Times Square asap! The guys are in the background doing some R$*(%HE**@#E stunts. Poof -,-
It sure didn't take long for the LRT to arrive. We scrambled onto the LRT as soon as the door opened. Damn smart wei? ;) We acted like barbarians but whatever. So excited like mad cows! Besides Sri Petaling is the first station, so it's practically EMPTY and we took like the whole car to ourselves. Even
on it. Peace ^_^vOn the right side of the car ;
On the left side of the car -
Unknown,Sughonthat,Karyan,AwesomeLoh,Jinyeh(Brian&Munwei unseen)

Snapped some unrated photos with His Awesomeness(AwesomeLoh, just pretend like you know who that it) it was bad but whatever, just wanna upload it! ;) sorry Awesome! He made a word from it, just like the word "Fabulous" from Kimora. This is "Awesome" from Adrian LOL #forthewin.
Blah blah blah with the tickets and everything, finally get into the themepark. AwesomeLoh and Munwei decided to go shopping instead! So 13 of us went in. Ohmygee, you can see my excitement just by looking at my freaktarded face LMFAO yeap I know.
*groupshot \m/
First ride has GOT to be the Dizzy Izzy. It's so shocking, actually no. It's so exciting, actually no. It's so scary, actually no. WE HAD GOT TO SIT ON IT! Swell.

Shobi and I. Ohmygosh, I ♥ this picture of us ;) she looked so pwetty. Love her shirt by the way! :D she's always so fashionable. Fabulous;
We even sat on Kiddy rides. Ehhh don't blame me! Mrs TCFHLN made us to! T^T sat on the tiny train that goes into a black tunnel. It wasn't scary but we screamed just for fun LOL, you should've seen the lady's WTF face.
*4* srly, I don't wanna think about Final Destination
*groupshot LIKE YES BRIAN \m/
Cosmo World looked awesome in the dark with their glowing lights! ;) Muahahah we shall come again next time! Feeling oh so tired, must have something sweet to eat. McD on the way.
When we are about to go back, it was raining like mad. Jammed the whole road home. We were stranded in the middle of KL srly, we just wanna go home! Anu's mum took her 2 hours to reach Times Square, imagine us going home within 30minutes? NO WAY. So we have to take the Monorail to Crowne Plaza, where Anu's mum will be waiting for us. Wooo awesome, Monorail! :)
MAD WET and MAD TIRED. Everyone's like returning home from work and the monorail was packed jam. That was the time I worried about us girls, and the molesters. OMFG, DIE. Thank God nothing happened to us!
Reached Crowne Plaza safely, now to relax and enjoy the beautiful hotel! ;)
Here was actually where Anu,Shobi&I have our New Year Party! It was supposed to be a dance floor and a club like room. It transformed into a ballroom! WTF, nice disguise! LOL
Thanks to Anu's Dad, we has Chocolate cake and Cheesecakey as dessert! ♥ Cheesecakey reminds me of Yuji! I love the cakes so much, eat like mad cow. Ignore it.
The top floor's toilet is mad beautiful like whatttt! It's like a dressing room for superstars! I feel like one that time, ahahaha joking. Snapped pictures of ourselves, not the toilet paiseh.

*snapped our famous OctoPose LOL. One was taken at the beginning of the year
and another one was taken recently. There isn't much changes
huh? ;)
Swell, went home and took a bath. Seriously tired like mad. ;) Wish we could go out more often then!
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