Thursday, September 23, 2010

Songs at the moment: dot.0 - SuG

Finally found theee picture of Takeru doing his kawaii pose!! I'm like so flipping out when I found it! I can't printscreen it from youtube, so thank goodness this girl has them! :D Apparently she went to the Sundown Festival! How lucky! I wish I could gooooo, but I'm living in Malaysia. Terrible terrible! ): Just look at his cuteness, makes you want to hug him! Honestly, Takeru is so huggable! :) Too bad those guards are there to stop us, huh? If they weren't there, I'm sure all Takeru's fans are going to barge onto the stage and kidnap him! ahah, just saying! :D

Anyway, just now I was reading his blog. I have this built-in translator in Google Chrome that translate Japanese to English and then back. Sometimes the translator don't work so well because maybe Takeru used some Japanese slangs and that won't work well in translators. So I get all those crapping translations that makes no sense. I wish I could read Kanji well! That's one of my sixteen(16) wishes! :)

His name 武瑠 was translated to Kyle T. BWHAHAHAHA don't ask me why! I told you my translator suck! Me and another fan of him were laughing our butts off! Imagine if people calls Takeru, Kyle! HAHAHA joke of the year! ;D Oh dear.

Credits to for the picture. Visit her blog for more informations about Sundown Festival or VisualKeis!

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