Adam Lambert ROCKS :DDD
Well, we always talk about today. SO,
TODAY - :}
No PJ today. aww ): I was hoping there would be.
I just love PJ so much, just as much as I love ADAM ( YAYS ! )
and don't we forget my piggy boo ♥
hearts him the most [:
Unfortunately for Klaudia and Anussha, they changed.
So need to change back. Well, it's exercise for them.
Changing our clothes back when it's sweaty is practically the best things ever
... not !
On our way back to class, we are talking pervert again {:
Sughontha started it !
Blame her! lols.
Sarah's coughing, sneezing and having fever too. @@
This is SERIOUS case. She may get swineflu.
And she is OUR best friend. I HOPE SHE DOESN"T HAVE IT!
Or else, we are totally dead like pumpkins x.x"
Th whole class made so much noise during English period.
Mr O went out with CW to do some work.
So we were yelling here and there, played Empire and etcs etcs.
Much like a Jungle then a classroom x)
Sejarah, we were all laughing so hard.
PnFrancis was telling her experience in Terengganu.
But, to us, its funny. lols (:
PnF : Saya pergi Terengganu mahu beli durian. Saya pun tanya pak cik durian. "Pak Cik, saya nak beli durian. Sila kopekkan"
*kopek in M'sia means open*
PakCik : Apa perempuan ini! Tak gembira betul! (Not satisfied)
PnF : Actually, in Terengganu, Kopek means breast. *do hand movements*
Means, she asking the pakcik to "
BM today is like the BEST period of ALL :D
Some new teacher came in, with a GIGANTICLY long cane @@!!
I think it's 1 meter + ? x.x"
We were all scared but actually, he took it to scratch himself? -__-
Back scratcher, kot?
He sat on my place, and look under my desk.
I didn't hid the rubiks' properly!
He took it and started spinning it.
I was like, -.=? LOLs.
Then the whole guy gang, ganged at his side like ..? puppies? ;x
I kinda got bored with studying maths, so I took LiJien's stickers..
and started sticking on Klaudia's hair and face.
Sughontha's too!
Their reactions are SOOO funnneeyyyy :)
I sticked some on everyone.
Just Imagine ! :D
Tomorrow, American Idol
Channel 711
Time 8am LIVE !
8pm, replay? :D
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