Adam Lambert Sure can ROCK da HOUSE!
American Idol
Thursday 8am, Encore 8pm :}
It was such a rush in the morning.
Rushing like mad lady! I kept thinking, Did I forget anything?
So nervous for exam. Especially BM exam. I, totally sucked in BM.
1 hour before the exam, PnFrancis taught us a little bit of Sejarah.
Cause' she went to kursus last week and was unable to teach us.
So we were laughing ... again as usual :)
PnF's jokes totally rocks.
PnF : Undi saya la. Jadi Menteri Pelajaran.
Class : OKOK. Kenapa ?
PnF : Jika saya jadi Menteri Pelajaran, saya akan menentukan masa pelajaran. Isnin sekolah, Selasa cuti, Rabu sekolah, Khamis cuti, Jumaat, datang pukul 9, balik pukul 11.
The WHOLE class yelled and clapped hands. :D
BM paper 1 is like, super hard.
About 5 questions, I got 3 mistakes. x.x
Don't wanna see the rest.
Paper 2 was OHHH-KAYYYYY only (:
While we are doing our BM paper 2, it was pure silence.
Everyone's so hardworking, writting at least 3 pages of essay.
EnPrakash was in class.
Since it was pure silence, the only sound can be heard is the stupid tak-tak-tak sound made by our fan.
The, EnPrakash, showed the "Keep quiet" sign to the fan and say SHHHH.
"HAHAS!" I laughed out loud.
It was those funny exam moments :D
I kept throwing eraser dust to the back, which is KLAUDIA.
She doesn't mind, righttt? :}
Oh! I was teasing her with her new BF :)
be happy~
{ Baby is LOVED }
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