It was a good day today :DD
KKJR members are suppose to see Kumana 'GURU' by the 1st period.
Well, lets just say we cant find him (^^;)
He told us to wait at Block E. He was no where to be seen for 20mins.
We finally found him hiding in the Form6 class room on the 2nd floor of Block D.
crapp? He was colouring like a kiddy -______-"
Science period. SW's group can perform the most sucessful experiment.
The leaf experiment? The iodine and alcohol thingy~
I wasn't there because I was in the Form6 classroom like it is mentioned above.
I got back in the weee minutes before the bell rung.
SW's whole group got merit from PnAna. He was so proud,
he keep on doing this infront of my face -> :PPP
><" grrrr. Man, I hate short guyss! Moral period. PnTeo kept on talking about pervert stuffs @@ About girls' stuffs. She said : Perempuan punya had sekarang datang sangat awal. Standard 5 pun sudah ada.
Bryan asked : What is that?
Some one asked : Is that something that can eat?
@@!!! HOLY SHYT??
I didnt see who said it but oh my goshhh!
STUPIDD pervertsss
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