PnAna was absent today. So we got a sub, Miss Ng.
She was like so strict with my class. Everyone's shaking like a banana. ;DD
Except me, of course! :D I'm not scared of her. Because I did nothing wrong!
She checked the students' nails and socks. Sai Weng got the grand prize.
For not cutting his nails. wuu wuu wuu :)
Bryan came back to class after his daily ponteng.
His nails were even longer than a girls' fingernails! @@
It's 1.5cm per nail. And it's filled with dirts. xP
How gross is that? He refused to cut it. But in the end, I managed to forced him to it.
I'm sitting next to him and I am the ONE who has to suffer this :PP
NO WAY !! Next sub was Mr.Loh.
I can now understand why Ying Yen hates him. :/
He talk crappy words. 1 word by 1 word like ->
pe-la-jar, (5secs later) si-la (2secs) du-dukkkkk(2secs) di tem-pppaaattt (3secs later)
ma-singgg-ma-siinnnnggg(deep breath)
@@. i cant get what is he saying! ><
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