This has never happen in our school before.
OK, maybe it did happen. But it was outside of school.
Today, a man just DIED in our school! @@
It was at Block E. It's so freaky! I think I will NEVER go there anymore! T-T
Will it be haunted? I HOPE NOT!
I feel pity for that man :(
I cant believe got people actually laugh at him! STUPID PEOPLE!
Let see you die and I laugh at you! x(
I'm sneezing my lungs out! All because of yesterday.
My grandfather turned on the air-con to such a low temperature.
So now I caught a flu. x(
I think I'm spreading it around in school today.
So SORRY guys! If you caught it~
I've used up a box of tissue paper. I think I will used up another box too.
I'm so hot right now. I think I'm gonna get a fever. ):
Not to forget, I caught a sore throat too! wahhhh T________T
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
School day again. -.-
I wish there was Hari Pameran for the whole week!
I just hate studying in school. So THE boring!
70% of my classmates have no tables! Because they used it for Pameran.
So only 1 row out of 4 rows of seats get tables.
Others dont have! @@ Including ME
So we went up and down to look for tables. x(
aiiyoyoo. So crazy!
We went all the way to Blcok E to get 5 tables @@
And I cant even carry one! I'm soo lembik lahh~
Wen Cai asked if we need any help. Thanks anyway! :D
It's OK. I'll just ask Daniel to do it~ bwahahahahaha~
THANKS DANIEL! so manly. Not like Joseph -.-
Only know how to talk craps and sing horriblely~
My grandfather is trying to make everyone in this house catch a cold!
He wanted today to be a ANTI-mosquito day. So he was spraying the RISECT killer mosquitos spray around the house. All the rooms and dustbins ==
And he also turned on all the air-con. If you dont know, air-con keeps mosquitos away.
(That's what i heard)
The air-con was SOOO COLD. I'm sneezing until my lungs almost dried up!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Well, after the Pameran. I recounted the things I bought.
I know my calculation sucks abit but I still do it ^^
3.00 - cocktail
3.00 - badges
2.50 - bubble milk tea
1.50 - sand keychain
1.00 - handphone chain
+2.00 - lend sughontha
Am I right this time? ;DDD
OMG. I'm so the broke now T-T
I know my calculation sucks abit but I still do it ^^
3.00 - cocktail
3.00 - badges
2.50 - bubble milk tea
1.50 - sand keychain
1.00 - handphone chain
+2.00 - lend sughontha
Am I right this time? ;DDD
OMG. I'm so the broke now T-T
hari pameran! :D
Lots to talk about~ So be ready!
Other clubs ; I was only there for stickers! :D
I just went to ALL the club for stickers. No other reasons~ bwahahahahahah~~~
Lots to talk about~ So be ready!
During assembly. It was horrible! Ok,its already HOT. Yet stinky and noisy! Teachers are giving speeches. The Pengetua's speech was extremely boring x(. No offence though~
But it was seriously boring. And the guest of honour? Encik something something? Was too,boring -.-
All I heard was, Kokurikulum sangat penting bagi semua pelajar. Other time i was just snooring there behind a big FAT girl :D
The first thing THEY(the girlss) want to see is Ghost House. OMG OMG OMG @@
I'm not going it anymore! No siry! I went last year and the ghost scared the hell out of me! No way am I going this year! Or next year ==
Road Safety Club ; OK as usual. Same like where we left on Saturday. No difference. Except the drink bar. They're selling cocktails! OMG OMG yumm~
RM3/- SO CHEAP! I bought Purple Heart. Nice name right? Tastes nice too! Julia bought Requited Love. woooooooo~ I also bought some badges which are soo freaking cute!
PRS club ; they're doing Breast Cancer exhibition. My objective to get there was to collect more stickers! :D
I wasnt really there to see the exhibition. No oFFENCE though~!
Klaudia is such a pervert,mann -.-""
(you do NOT need me to explain WHY) swtsss =="
History Society ; was OK. I didn't realiza that Chippys' friends are the member there @@. I was like HOLY COW! So memalukan ^^;
Girl Guide ; Was a great hangout! I bought a sand keychain thingy? It's a container that has sand in it. I filled it up myself! ^^
I can put as many colours as I like and its only RM1.50! @@ heap cheap~
Other clubs ; I was only there for stickers! :D
I just went to ALL the club for stickers. No other reasons~ bwahahahahahah~~~
This is the song lyrics from my blogg.
It's in Japanese, so learn how to sing! :D
How to read :
nai pronounce as na-e
wai pronounce as wa-e
iro pronounce as e-ro
tae pronounce as te-i
jiaeru pronounce as jie-i-ru
itsumo soko ni iru hazu to
omotte ita kimi ga inai
dokoka natsukashiku kanjiru kedo
samishiku wa nai
nanigenaku miageta ano awai iro no sora ni
kokoro ga ukabeta PLANET
mayotta toki ni wa omoidashite
ano hi no bokura ga kitto itsumo
kanata de mitsumete kurete iru
nani shiteru no ima doko ni
toikaketemo kotae wa kurenai kedo
hanaretemo kanjiaeru deai ga (bokura)
tsunaide iru kara
bokura no sagashimono yume himitsu no ano kichi de
kokoro ga mitsuketa PLANET
muchuu no uchuu wo kakemawari
kanaeta nara kitto SMILING soshite
ano hi no bokura wo FURIMUITE
ano hi no hitomi ga PLANET
bokura no mawari wo mawatte iru
sukitooru hitomi no PLANET zutto
kawaranu omoi ga koko ni aru
kokoro ga ukabeta PLANET
mayotta toki ni wa omoidashite
ano hi no bokura ga kitto itsumo
kanata de mitsumete kurete iru
It's in Japanese, so learn how to sing! :D
How to read :
nai pronounce as na-e
wai pronounce as wa-e
iro pronounce as e-ro
tae pronounce as te-i
jiaeru pronounce as jie-i-ru
itsumo soko ni iru hazu to
omotte ita kimi ga inai
dokoka natsukashiku kanjiru kedo
samishiku wa nai
nanigenaku miageta ano awai iro no sora ni
kokoro ga ukabeta PLANET
mayotta toki ni wa omoidashite
ano hi no bokura ga kitto itsumo
kanata de mitsumete kurete iru
nani shiteru no ima doko ni
toikaketemo kotae wa kurenai kedo
hanaretemo kanjiaeru deai ga (bokura)
tsunaide iru kara
bokura no sagashimono yume himitsu no ano kichi de
kokoro ga mitsuketa PLANET
muchuu no uchuu wo kakemawari
kanaeta nara kitto SMILING soshite
ano hi no bokura wo FURIMUITE
ano hi no hitomi ga PLANET
bokura no mawari wo mawatte iru
sukitooru hitomi no PLANET zutto
kawaranu omoi ga koko ni aru
kokoro ga ukabeta PLANET
mayotta toki ni wa omoidashite
ano hi no bokura ga kitto itsumo
kanata de mitsumete kurete iru
Sunday, July 27, 2008
OMG. If you look at the previous post, I counted 255+5=300
@@ my calculation is becoming worse! How am I gonna score A on maths NOW?!
Havent been blogging this few days. WHY?
The computer is making this tuuut tuuut tuuut tuuut sound -.-"'
Like the sound you hear in the hospital. The sound of people's heart beat.
Yeaahh. Exactly that. So soon, you will hear, tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
whhooopppsss :x sudah mati
Just got back from dinner-ing with family.
Tomorrow is Hari Pameran for SMKSS. :DDDD
So excited! Going to school in the morning. Like 7.20?!?
So early! i'm still zzzzz-ing in my sleep okays? -.-
KKJR pengerusi, morning section, is such a pain in the neck!
He keeps yelling DO yOuR WORK! or EFF OFF
So rude! Joseph wanna slap him edi. I will too!
TAGGED by yingyen?
1. The last person who tagged you is?
2. What relationship of you with him/her?
friends :D
3. Your 5 impression towards him/her.
pretty, cute, genius, great person, excellent ! :D
4. The most memorable thing that he/she has done to you.
gossiped? :D
5. The most memorable words that he/she said to you.
haha <- she said
6. If he/she become your lover, you will ...
lezbo? NO THANK YOU!
7. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
8. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on...
nothing much to improve, all also good!
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
I ignore her? ;D
10. The most desirable things to do for he/she is?
Give her Jay's album =D
11. The overall impression to he/her is...
crazy girl~!
12. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
im a nerd -.-"
13. The character for you for yourself is?
small gas or hot tempered.
14. For the person who cares and likes you, say something to them.
I care about you too!
15. Ten people to tag.
1. Ying Yen
2. Erin
3. Win Lynn
4. Anussha
5. Hsio May
6. Wen Cai
7. Vivian Chong
8. regina
9. mernjo
10. Yen Theng
6. Who is number 2 having relationship with?
her so-call boyfriend? :D
17. Is number 3 a male or female?
18. If number 3 and 10 together would it be a good thing?
of course NO ;D
19. How about 5 and 8?
GOOD. harhar jkjkjk`~
20. What is number 1 studying about?
Jay's songs~
21. When was the last time you had a chat with them?
1. Ying Yen - few days ago~
2. Erin - months ago
3. Win Lynn - minutes ago in tagboard
4. Anussha - seconds ago
5. Hsio May - long long time ago
6. Wen Cai - dont know ;/
7. vivian chong - dont know ;/
8. regina - forgot ;/
9. Mern Jo - dont know ;/
10. Yen Theng - days ago?
22. Is number 4 a single?
nopeee. She got D----- ;DD
23. Talk something about 2.
gila person!
1. The last person who tagged you is?
2. What relationship of you with him/her?
friends :D
3. Your 5 impression towards him/her.
pretty, cute, genius, great person, excellent ! :D
4. The most memorable thing that he/she has done to you.
gossiped? :D
5. The most memorable words that he/she said to you.
haha <- she said
6. If he/she become your lover, you will ...
lezbo? NO THANK YOU!
7. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
8. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on...
nothing much to improve, all also good!
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
I ignore her? ;D
10. The most desirable things to do for he/she is?
Give her Jay's album =D
11. The overall impression to he/her is...
crazy girl~!
12. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
im a nerd -.-"
13. The character for you for yourself is?
small gas or hot tempered.
14. For the person who cares and likes you, say something to them.
I care about you too!
15. Ten people to tag.
1. Ying Yen
2. Erin
3. Win Lynn
4. Anussha
5. Hsio May
6. Wen Cai
7. Vivian Chong
8. regina
9. mernjo
10. Yen Theng
6. Who is number 2 having relationship with?
her so-call boyfriend? :D
17. Is number 3 a male or female?
18. If number 3 and 10 together would it be a good thing?
of course NO ;D
19. How about 5 and 8?
GOOD. harhar jkjkjk`~
20. What is number 1 studying about?
Jay's songs~
21. When was the last time you had a chat with them?
1. Ying Yen - few days ago~
2. Erin - months ago
3. Win Lynn - minutes ago in tagboard
4. Anussha - seconds ago
5. Hsio May - long long time ago
6. Wen Cai - dont know ;/
7. vivian chong - dont know ;/
8. regina - forgot ;/
9. Mern Jo - dont know ;/
10. Yen Theng - days ago?
22. Is number 4 a single?
nopeee. She got D----- ;DD
23. Talk something about 2.
gila person!
tag by yingyen and suzanne
Here are the rules:
A. List these rules on your blog.
B. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
C. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
practically NO BFHs. BFH stands for Bxtch From Hell. Please! I'm anti-bxtch, right Ying Yen? ;D
I like pink. If you notice it, i usually use skins that are pink or related to pink(whatever that means) and I think that red and purple is a horrible combination!
no copy-caters. Although i am one, but I still hate them :D
I'm also anti-chipmunk. they always bother me! ><
I love my friends! No matter how ugly or pretty you are, you are still my FRIEND! :DD
my blog is strictly for polite people only. No F-wording or bad wording in here!
finally, im a psyco person! ;D
i love to do psyco thing and silly acts. So bare with it~
You'll have to read on for my 7 facts and see who I tagged
any BODY who likes to do it~ wuu wuu wuu~
Here are the rules:
A. List these rules on your blog.
B. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
C. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
practically NO BFHs. BFH stands for Bxtch From Hell. Please! I'm anti-bxtch, right Ying Yen? ;D
I like pink. If you notice it, i usually use skins that are pink or related to pink(whatever that means) and I think that red and purple is a horrible combination!
no copy-caters. Although i am one, but I still hate them :D
I'm also anti-chipmunk. they always bother me! ><
I love my friends! No matter how ugly or pretty you are, you are still my FRIEND! :DD
my blog is strictly for polite people only. No F-wording or bad wording in here!
finally, im a psyco person! ;D
i love to do psyco thing and silly acts. So bare with it~
You'll have to read on for my 7 facts and see who I tagged
any BODY who likes to do it~ wuu wuu wuu~
Friday, July 25, 2008
admit it~
This is my 255th post. Another 5 more and it will be the 300th. wow ;)
and another 71 more posts, and it is my blog's birthday! ;DD
Already 1 year I own "bloggie" ;)
On Fridays, we usually go up to 2A2 and chat.
And we did that today! but 2A2 went bonkers!
They are throwing paper planes around the class. ( I started it! )
I can't believe they got addicted to it. ==
EnShahril announced that tomorrow will be all the clubs meeting.
So almost all the clubs will be at school tomorrow. Which also means A LOT OF PEOPLE.
He also said that we will be going with class teacher this year.
Not like last year! Where we can walk to our hearts content!
But this year, we had to go with our class teacher and "fellow" classmates.
Which will be a pain in the neck. Luckily I got duty at KKJR. So I don't have to follow them and be embrassed by their sickening attitudes >.<
KKJR also another sickening thing! There's 3 shifts.
Shift 1 = 8.00 - 9.30am
Shift 2 = 9.30 - 11.00am
Shift 3 = 11.00 - 12.30pm
I'm in shift 2 but they wajibkan semua ahli to come on shift 3.
So that means I will be working from 9.30 - 12.30 non stop!
By my shift ends, all the clubs have already shut down their store! ><""
I'm gonna kill that Kumana Guru ==""""""""""""""""""""""
Seni period. We're learning Caligraphy.
SaiWeng is writing stories about me. Not good stories. BAD STORIES!
He wrote ->
may yan = moron, stupid and a idiot. long long time ago in a village, a penjual sell lmy apples. thet are RM10 each. but the apples made lmy more stupider. hahaha
@@ psyco fella!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
BM period.
CikRohimah didnt come. So we got a sub.
Turns out to be PnAshikin. So relieved for 2 periods.
I quickly finish my Seni project! @@
I know I know. I know other classes had already finished them.
But not mine! Sejarah also. Majority students in my class haven't start Elemen 1. -.-
PJ period.
Got a new teacher. Her name is PnSelina? :/
She's plum, short and short-haired. (Like PnPMR's ciri-ciri)
She's replacing PnPMR. We were so excited!
PnPMR so jealous man. She was like so angry why are we very happy.
But,PnSelina is like a kindergarten teacher!
Her tactics :
She divide each class into 2 groups. (total 4 groups for 2 classes)
She gives competitions or races.
Which ever team wins, the whole team will get TOKENS??
End of each month, whoever get the most tokens will get a prize.
Is she childish? ;DDDDD
I know who is ___ and ____
they are both B----
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
KJ is childish~
Went early to school JUST to watch them,2A2 nut girls, play :)
2A11 asked them to help. Because a girl did not come.
So Klaudia and Anussha helped 2A11 to play.
But they lost. So sorry! :(
Then I went to canteen to finish up my unfinished projects.
FINALLY finished it. And then went back to watch them~~
They are starting the game already! @@
2A2 vs 2A7.
Well, 2A7 no one played =="" They got sub from 2A3 and 2A8
So unfair! Well, hate to say but 2A2 lost D;
because of unfairness in other classes. Not to forget from refrees ><
They were very upset. They keep on shouting the EFF word.
(THEY = 2A2 nut girls :D)
I cheered them up. It took all my saliva and sweat to make them stop saying bad words which are currently polluting my mind!
Good girls gone bad :)
Yesterday, I had a childish fight with Sai Weng.
Today is with KOK JUN! @@
Who are you waiting for??
My friend.
Who's your friend who wants you to wait for them??
My friend, no nerve.
Who is no nerve? *pretending dont know*
you dont know NO NERVE?!
you la. No nerve!
You lehh!??! No brain!
No nerve you cant live okay?!?!
like you lehh!? No brain!
If you dont have brain, you cant move at all!
huuuhhh???! HAHAHAHHAA. That's you la! No brain!
Oh. Ya hor! that's me *doing swt face*
I can make me a brain! *proudly*
with what? Paper?
kok Jun make himself a paper brain. hahahah. How you wanna make?
I can use "technology".
Technology my head!
If KJ gets no.15 with a paper brain. Then MW gets no.20+. So he is what brain?
Tofu brain? ;DDD
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Pn.*** keep pecat-ing prefects who were inlove. Sickening right ?
Can't she leave them alone? How could she ask a person
whether to choose your JOB or your LOVE.
She make as if they're gonna fall down an edge -.-
Mostly people choose LOVE. cause NO ONE WANTS TO WORK UNDER HER!
Me and Sai Weng had a really BIG childish fight today! ^^;
I took his pen that he accidently threw to me, and throw it away~ *so long!*
He took my pencil box and threaten me =="
And then I managed to take it back. But he took my bottle instead!
So I took his KH text book. (for boys, whoever dont have text book have to stand outside of the class! :DD)
And he took my Mr.Midnight book.... FROM MY BAG! @@
ThieF ThieF ThieF ! x(
So we wouldnt want to give each other things back.
We kept it until 6.47pm :)
Finally its OVER! No more childish fight with him x)
Tomorrow's the Semi-finals and Finals for Form2 basketball.
Hope 2A2 wins! :D
I'm going to support them. What are best friends for?
Monday, July 21, 2008
betrayer is ME

SORRY FRIENDS! I'm the one who messed things up x(
projects projects projects! @@
Guess what? my seni project haven't even finished! :DD
I'm such a procrastinator. x)
PJ time, PnPMR(regina calls her like that! :D) asked us to run 1.5KM
The's 3 times the road from BlockG to the guard house @@
Well, her mood had gone mad today! She let 2A2 run first.
So 2A1 have to wait for them to finish -.-"
Klaudia finished first as always. She is always the weirdest among them all! :D
Last was Chan Wei Yee *claps claps* bravo bravo! x)
Then finally 2A1's turn to run. Finshed first was.... ME :D
okay okay, no bragging. But I did finish first!
Last was Siew Lin -.-" My time was 7:14 minutes.
Excellent! :D I think this is my BEST time I ever record in my life!
2A2 went to the Semi-finals in basketball !
Congrats congrats! they gonna fight with 2A11 on Weds.
Let's hope they win. Although NO OFFENCE!
Blog tomorrow. Nights :D
Sunday, July 20, 2008
friend stealer
Stupid friend stealer. EFFF you!
such a betrayer! Steal peoples' friends. Who you think you are? BFH -.-
Watched Batman ; The Dark Knight
wuuu wuuu wuuu.
Great show! It was a 2hours 45mins show. @@
Seriously long! But meaningful! <3
It was a pain to get tickets. But we got it finally!By calling them :D
In the projector room, there was suppose to be 2films of the movie.
Because the show was super damn long !
The guy on duty was SUPPOSE to change the film when the last one was about to finish.
( Like a 2CD shows. Got to change disk right? )
The nutty guy forgot. [ Maybe he went to pee or something -.- ]
So the movie just stop half-way. When the exciting part begins!
The screen was black-out. And the lights are on back. (cinema lights were supposed to be turned off during a show)
Everyone was like huuhhh? *opening eyes to see the bright light*
Mom said "aiiyaa! The best part arr! T____T"
Waited for 5mins and the show was back on!
Light went off and the show begins ;DD
This is my first time, there is an "error" in the cinema :D
Then went to Restaurant88 to eat..... again -.-
i'm so bored of eating there! @@
OMG OMG OMG. Seni project haven't finish yet! D:
Friday, July 18, 2008
original `
High School Musical Ice Tour.
It's coming! Stadium Putra, Bukit Jalil. 15-20 August.
Those who are High School Musical fans, don't miss it! :D

We have to sing our school song everyday now. -.-
Because some of us, can't remember the school songs' lyrics.
Okay, not some of us. ALL of us! Including me.
Well, I don't care so discluding me (:
After we sang the song, boys clapped their hands.
Are they gonna clap their hands everyday from now on? Since we have to sing the school song everyday.
Sesi Pagi students come and make a fuss for the teachers.
EnShahril was MAD. I mean this time, he is REALLY mad! @@
This is not a good time to laugh x(
Poor guyss. I bet they will be caned until their butts bloom flowers ):
PnHaliza is acting like a sakaii again! >.<
She tahan us from going home yesterday and today tahan us from recess-ing!!
When I can't eat, I'll cry. Serious. I really will.
I'm soo hungry. She tahan us for 10mins?!? T-T
CHOW MUN JACK, a prefect, hurt his leg when playing basketball antara class.
Bryan said he was admitted to hospital. Serious injury.
He twisted his leg real bad. Like 180degree. @@
I saw the ambulans come and pick him up.
Wow. Hope he is OK.
I hope 2A2 girls wont have such injuries like that. :/
Well, I hope the broken-arm girl will 'break a leg' during this tournament.
I don't mean by GOODLUCK to her.
I mean, I wish that she really break a leg! :DD
Thursday, July 17, 2008
PnHaliza insists us to bring poems for oral test. ><
I don't want it! Why can't we have a picture for our oral?
Why must it be a poem? I dont understand poems x(
HC kept complaining about the poems she found.
I cant even complain!Because I haven't found anything yet :DD
pheww* Finally finished my Friendster Background.
Looking good! Better than last time, if I do say so myself x)
Klauds keep teaching the girls shuffling.
I told you! She's turning into Bonia(a guy she's crazy about) ^^;
I heard IT from Bryan Lim. Stupid Pn.*** [ guru disiplin ]
Why so idiot and asshole gehh??!
Peoples' business, why must you go and bother them!
Forced them to do not see each other. :(
I pity the girl alot. SO SAD LAH.
I almost cry out when I heard it from Bryan.
The guy did the right thing! If I'm him, I would have punched her. [Pn.***]
Me and HC were fighting.
About when to hand it out Seni Project.
She said Friday. I said Monday.
So we were fight! ;DDD
why all the poem so long?!?! says:
friday la
м а у у а и му ьяоκεи нεаят says:
monday la
why all the poem so long?!?! says:
friday la
м а у у а и му ьяоκεи нεаят says:
monday! ><
why all the poem so long?!?! says:
friday la@!=(
why all the poem so long?!?! says:
friday la
м а у у а и му ьяоκεи нεаят says:
why all the poem so long?!?! says:
friday friday friday
м а у у а и му ьяоκεи нεаят says:
why all the poem so long?!?! says:
м а у у а и му ьяоκεи нεаят says:
why all the poem so long?!?! says:
no la
м а у у а и му ьяоκεи нεаят says:
ya la
Happy 42th birthday~ :D:D:D
(sshhhhxx dont tell anyone she is THAT old! :D)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
It was a good day today :DD
KKJR members are suppose to see Kumana 'GURU' by the 1st period.
Well, lets just say we cant find him (^^;)
He told us to wait at Block E. He was no where to be seen for 20mins.
We finally found him hiding in the Form6 class room on the 2nd floor of Block D.
crapp? He was colouring like a kiddy -______-"
Science period. SW's group can perform the most sucessful experiment.
The leaf experiment? The iodine and alcohol thingy~
I wasn't there because I was in the Form6 classroom like it is mentioned above.
I got back in the weee minutes before the bell rung.
SW's whole group got merit from PnAna. He was so proud,
he keep on doing this infront of my face -> :PPP
><" grrrr. Man, I hate short guyss! Moral period. PnTeo kept on talking about pervert stuffs @@ About girls' stuffs. She said : Perempuan punya had sekarang datang sangat awal. Standard 5 pun sudah ada.
Bryan asked : What is that?
Some one asked : Is that something that can eat?
@@!!! HOLY SHYT??
I didnt see who said it but oh my goshhh!
STUPIDD pervertsss
PnAna was absent today. So we got a sub, Miss Ng.
She was like so strict with my class. Everyone's shaking like a banana. ;DD
Except me, of course! :D I'm not scared of her. Because I did nothing wrong!
She checked the students' nails and socks. Sai Weng got the grand prize.
For not cutting his nails. wuu wuu wuu :)
Bryan came back to class after his daily ponteng.
His nails were even longer than a girls' fingernails! @@
It's 1.5cm per nail. And it's filled with dirts. xP
How gross is that? He refused to cut it. But in the end, I managed to forced him to it.
I'm sitting next to him and I am the ONE who has to suffer this :PP
NO WAY !! Next sub was Mr.Loh.
I can now understand why Ying Yen hates him. :/
He talk crappy words. 1 word by 1 word like ->
pe-la-jar, (5secs later) si-la (2secs) du-dukkkkk(2secs) di tem-pppaaattt (3secs later)
ma-singgg-ma-siinnnnggg(deep breath)
@@. i cant get what is he saying! ><
Monday, July 14, 2008
weeepeeesss :D:D
remember the "special item" I brought to school today?
For whose birthday? JANE HOH LI JIEN. eeeee x3
It was actually tomorrow. But we celebrated early.
She's gonna celebrate with her family tomorrow anyway~
It's American Chocolate from Berry's. The price was OK.
I mean everyone shared the cake right? So ENJOY the pics!
By the way, I brought my cam to school~ lalala
I didn't get permission from MissNg. I just put the cam in PnHaliza's table.
She's soo cooperative. (of course after ALL I DONE FOR HER)
Everyone loved chocolate right? Well, the chocolate got out of hand x)
Now it's all over peoples' faces! :DD
GUEST of honour : LiJien
GUESTS : Kashmita, Hazel, Joanne, Julia, Punethan, Bala, Sughontha, Anussha, May Yan, Klaudia, Karol, Chee Weng, Brian Leong.
Uninvited GUESTS : Hairul & Melvin <- trespassers >.<
Noobie HAIRUL! :P
Check out Punethan's cute pose ;)
What was that HAIRUL?!
A ;swt; sign? -_________________-"
Everyone had a great time. Luckily I put my cam in PnHaliza's table.
Today, spotcheck! @@
Sunday, July 13, 2008
busy @@
My blogskin is murdering me x.x
Still fixing it. So sorry no post for today. TIME-LESS ! @@
The previuous skin got some problem. I cant see the skin.
Yet it's all grey. EEEEEEEEE x(
Someone send a HORRIBLE tagg on Anussha's blog.
USING my URL!! Such a shameless person.
Don't dare to show yourself? Too ugly? or TOO PRETTY?!
Until got diamond on your skin. ><
whoever it is, is either a scaredy-cat or a noobie.
My guess? IT'S BOTH!
I really cant stand people like this. Is either you stand up.
Or never ever stand.
whooppsss. :x I said no post for today.
This IS a post .___________."
Going school early tomorrow. Bring the special ITEM .
enjoy enjoy the songg :D
Please comment it if you can~ *perasan perasan*
Going to zzzzz. My dream-land~ (:
Still fixing it. So sorry no post for today. TIME-LESS ! @@
The previuous skin got some problem. I cant see the skin.
Yet it's all grey. EEEEEEEEE x(
Someone send a HORRIBLE tagg on Anussha's blog.
USING my URL!! Such a shameless person.
Don't dare to show yourself? Too ugly? or TOO PRETTY?!
Until got diamond on your skin. ><
whoever it is, is either a scaredy-cat or a noobie.
My guess? IT'S BOTH!
I really cant stand people like this. Is either you stand up.
Or never ever stand.
whooppsss. :x I said no post for today.
This IS a post .___________."
Going school early tomorrow. Bring the special ITEM .
enjoy enjoy the songg :D
Please comment it if you can~ *perasan perasan*
Going to zzzzz. My dream-land~ (:
faded memories ;
shadows are not for you to hide behind.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
swim swim swim!
It's great to have you around me everytime I'm down :)
Went to LeAnn's house :D:D
To swim, of course. It's a breezy day. :(
To swim, of course. It's a breezy day. :(
When I started swimming, I CANT STOP!
Unless a storm shows up or I'm half-dead from shivering :/
I haven't been swimming for more than a year ;)
So my muscles ache now. x(
And I also drank lotsss of water. Almost can fill up a 1.5L bottle x)
Then went Carefour and yada yada yada.
But veges, foods, drinks and snacks. hmmm~ :)
The pool water damage my hair @___@!
My hair's kinda stick together. eeee
pool water is always DIRTY_
Brought some games too. TheSims2 expension packs.
OMG. my leg aches now ;(
Friday, July 11, 2008
Damn my LIFE
My life is like the most horrible thing I had ever seen!
Always stress here and stress there! I think I will have tons of white hair by now. ><
Going to Pavilion on Sunday. Thinking to buy something for a special someone :)
It wasn't anything special. Just that the person I'm, I mean WE, are giving to is special..
Just collected a bunch of $$ . RM42 I think :/
Hope it is enough to buy that something.
Also hope that special someone will love it :D
Everyone was a part of IT. Everyone's together. Everyone's hardwork.
Let's just hope again, that the special someone will realize it.
I have been helping PnHaliza for the last 2 weeks.
I have been skipping class ever since I start to help PnHaliza.
I missed lots of things. I like skipping but I also felt guilty.
Skipped homework,classwork.
If you are curious on what I have been doing for the last 2 weeks, I'll be glad to share with you. PnHaliza gave me all the Form2 classes' name list, their personal details.
The things the teacher always keep in their 'special yellow book'.
Yes, me and Anussha was assigned to re-type all those informations.
Check it, and run it again.
Clear names that has already transfer out and add names that transfer in.
I wasn't an easy job. Unless you think checking 1 name by 1 name is easy. :/
But don't worry! I won't let the cat out of the bag :)
I'm trustable I won't spilt the personal information to anyone.
That includes the phone number,house address and etc etc.
We were given the job because some LAZY teacher is just too lazy to do it.
But not all. Some teachers were hardworking! :DD
By the way, I was doing class 2A5. But the work went bonkers !
Someone or 'something' mess it up. The information are mixed up !
2A5 + 2A3 + 2A1. @@ It was a mess !
When PnHaliza asked me, DID I DO IT. I shoke my head until it almost fall off.
PnHaliza was indeed pissed off. She was yelling her head off !
I hate to say it, but all the bad words start coming out of her mouth ! ;DD
Bad words like -> (I'm giving examples :D)
F*** @@ ; BAB* o.0 ; Idiot ; stupid ; bodoh ; gila
hahas. Well, it took me and Anussha 4 periods just to retype everything.
It was hardwork. Don't you ever think it is easy ! :D
Anussha was doing 2A8's work. Hardwork for her :)
She has to type their Unit Beruniform, Sukan and Kelab.
She said her eyes are about to burst into flames~ lalala~
Well, she finished in the end. PnHaliza wanted to 'check'.
Her check was to check for 1 minute. But their form teacher, Mr Loh, was a funny man!
He simply save the files. And he didn't finish his work. Just pass it to Anussha.
With so many demands ;) PnHaliza and Miss Yap 'gossiped' about him ;D
PnHaliza / Miss Yap
This teacher says he know how to do everything.
But end up...
Buat gila only.
Miss Yap and PnHaliza said a lot of GILA just now ;DDD
They GILA one. GILA people. Do GILA work. GILA GILA GILA !
Memang mereka GILA la. GILA betul.
Always stress here and stress there! I think I will have tons of white hair by now. ><
Going to Pavilion on Sunday. Thinking to buy something for a special someone :)
It wasn't anything special. Just that the person I'm, I mean WE, are giving to is special..
Just collected a bunch of $$ . RM42 I think :/
Hope it is enough to buy that something.
Also hope that special someone will love it :D
Everyone was a part of IT. Everyone's together. Everyone's hardwork.
Let's just hope again, that the special someone will realize it.
I have been helping PnHaliza for the last 2 weeks.
I have been skipping class ever since I start to help PnHaliza.
I missed lots of things. I like skipping but I also felt guilty.
Skipped homework,classwork.
If you are curious on what I have been doing for the last 2 weeks, I'll be glad to share with you. PnHaliza gave me all the Form2 classes' name list, their personal details.
The things the teacher always keep in their 'special yellow book'.
Yes, me and Anussha was assigned to re-type all those informations.
Check it, and run it again.
Clear names that has already transfer out and add names that transfer in.
I wasn't an easy job. Unless you think checking 1 name by 1 name is easy. :/
But don't worry! I won't let the cat out of the bag :)
I'm trustable I won't spilt the personal information to anyone.
That includes the phone number,house address and etc etc.
We were given the job because some LAZY teacher is just too lazy to do it.
But not all. Some teachers were hardworking! :DD
By the way, I was doing class 2A5. But the work went bonkers !
Someone or 'something' mess it up. The information are mixed up !
2A5 + 2A3 + 2A1. @@ It was a mess !
When PnHaliza asked me, DID I DO IT. I shoke my head until it almost fall off.
PnHaliza was indeed pissed off. She was yelling her head off !
I hate to say it, but all the bad words start coming out of her mouth ! ;DD
Bad words like -> (I'm giving examples :D)
F*** @@ ; BAB* o.0 ; Idiot ; stupid ; bodoh ; gila
hahas. Well, it took me and Anussha 4 periods just to retype everything.
It was hardwork. Don't you ever think it is easy ! :D
Anussha was doing 2A8's work. Hardwork for her :)
She has to type their Unit Beruniform, Sukan and Kelab.
She said her eyes are about to burst into flames~ lalala~
Well, she finished in the end. PnHaliza wanted to 'check'.
Her check was to check for 1 minute. But their form teacher, Mr Loh, was a funny man!
He simply save the files. And he didn't finish his work. Just pass it to Anussha.
With so many demands ;) PnHaliza and Miss Yap 'gossiped' about him ;D
PnHaliza / Miss Yap
This teacher says he know how to do everything.
But end up...
Buat gila only.
Miss Yap and PnHaliza said a lot of GILA just now ;DDD
They GILA one. GILA people. Do GILA work. GILA GILA GILA !
Memang mereka GILA la. GILA betul.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
happy ME
I'm happy to know you but I regret to love you.
I just love to PONTENG class! <3<3
Ponteng 4periods today! :D:D
Well, include yesterday :/
That's 7periods of ponteng in this week! :):)
Tomorrow, ponteng another 3periods.
So total up = 10periods! <3<3<3
Hey! Don't think wrong! I had permission x)
If not, then I surely will be suspended by the school!
Basketball today was superb!
I scored so many goals! KJ was just LC-ing. As usual~
He told me to pass the ball to him, when he was just making more air-balls -.-
He blamed me if he didn't get the ball in! ><"
KJ said he was a PRO. *vomits vomits*
The ball almost hit me! The guyss are throwing it around.

Luckily I moved my head! Just 2cm more,
and then *WHAMP* @@
I was LUCKY :D:D:D
Thank GOD! Chatting with Ying Yen is great!
Its soo funny. All those secrets~
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
im still single .
Everyone has someone to hold on. But why not me?
It feels like everyone has lovers already.
Watching them walk side by side, holding hands. ;)
Beautiful scenery. More over, touching.
Laugh-Out-Loud! Too much tee vee shows.
Helped PnHaliza to do some report and stuffs.
After recess, skipped 3 periods! :DD
I don't really care x) At least I skipped cave-man's lesson.
He's as worse as a nanny's cat! ;DDD
Anussha gave him the slip kebenaran from PnHaliza, and guess what he do?
He crumble the paper and threw it away. o.0;;
Rude much ? ><
There are lotss of RUDE people in SMKSS!
Like this guy named KUMANA from 6R2.
He dumped all his work on me and Anussha.
And he expects us to finish his work by tomorrow!
If not, circumstance ->
i) Jatuh Jawatan
ii) Demerit 30!
iii) gantung sijil
I was like OMG ? HEY! You only gave us like, 1week?
To collect the poster money, and make 8reports!
Like we very free! Everyday skip class to do his work!
blecckkk! NO WAY!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
im SINGLE x(
The broken hearted girl, just sits there waiting.
Thanks for caring! My finger was totally fine :3
Just a little swollen. Turned purple black xP
Someone in my class, just torn 4A1's bulletin board!
arrgghhhh! ><""
Now we got to fix it back or the whole class kena rotan!
That bladdy bastard. Wait till I get my hands on that dude!
He's lucky if he ends up in the hospital! ><
I, ketua keceriaan need to fix it!
HOLY! I just noticed that ratatouille had a girlfriend.
;DD I only saw him walking with her.
Not sure is it GF or not ? x)
Gonna ask him tomorrow~
He is always talking with her.
Well, they did make a perfect couple.
He is like 3cm taller than her. So you can imagine her height yourself x)
And _____ kept on writing Alvin's name all over her book!
Oh please! He got GF already lahh~
His GF is more prettier than you.
Smarter than you. And SLIMER than you!
Don't tell me you like him! OMG OMG OMG.
Don't lahh. DOn't be steal peoples' BF ;D
Monday, July 7, 2008
My tears fall on its own everytime I see you, with HER.
Seeing you with her, really makes my tears fall.
I'm not sure is it SAD because my heart break ?
or feel HAPPY because he is happy ?
LOVE is confusing. And hurting.
OMG. OMG. @_____@
It was basketball again! ><
Anu was about to throw me the ball, and I was stand between Klauds
and Sughon. So I ran to get the ball.
Who knows that Klaudia and Sughontha wants to get the ball too!
So we ran to the ball and *CRASH*
3 of us crash together. oowwww~
I got up and my finger starts to hurt. Hurt really bad.
I can't feel my finger for 1min. x(
I was like broken! I couldn't even grip my left hand.
It was like my finger frozed up and its hurting really bad.
Even when I moved it, it hurts alot !
So I told Klaudia, she helped me massage it.
With just a little strength, not even enough strength to open a half-closed bottle.
And my finger hurts REALLY bad !!
I couldn't stop it. The tears start flowing.
The pain was really killing me.
I couldn't help it. Klauds stopped, and she asked me if I was okay.
I'm fine. Just little tears. I can go through the pain. I know I'm strong.
KJ kept on preassuring me to play, with the PAIN KILLING finger.
Well, to do make the HIGHNESS happy, I just play.
Shot 1 goal. After that goal, my finger hurts more than the pain
of 2 people stepping on your bare feet with sport shoes.
I just hold my tears and hope GOD knows, to shoo away the pain.
I just cant. In class, I burst into tears.
I not only cant grip my left hand, yet I cant even move the finger.
The pain was horrible. :(
for their care ;)) I'm lucky to have them.
faded memories ;
the pain was aweful. I couldnt stop the tears.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Playing Badminton -> :DD
On the way to the squash arena. Walking through the parking lot ^^
When we reached there, some crazy people playing. So we waiting outside of the arena.
Bored sial. Took pictures!
As you can see the guy behind Sughontha. Is the weird looking guy ^^;
Bored of squash. And guess what? They brought the badminton racket and start playing in the squash ARENA! xDDDD
Joanne is holding the squash racket and play badminton! :DD
Got even bored! So Julia went upstairs. And look down into the squash Arena.
We totally got bored.And we throw the squash ball up to Julia! xDD
Just look at the pics!
Check out the video ! :DD
Ignore the handkerchief part~
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