Hm yesterday, we girls won over Kenny and Daniel in basketball :D! Victory! But but today, they won us. It's okay, we fair fair ah :)! Good thing is I didn't hurt myself while playing. Except the part I "tripped" on Anussha's leg and fell on my butt :O! Luckily no one other than my friends saw me, that was embarrassing!!
I wasn't hurting myself, thank goodness. But LiJien kept hurting me!! Squashing my hand, stepping on my foot TT! WTH;
We went up to Physics Lab at 10:35am, but we're suppose to be there at 10:15am. 20 minutes late!!! All because we can't hear that freaking tiny little bell :O! Our class is a sound-proof room! WTH; Miss Tan was like so angry, and kicked those who came late out of her class. Worse, we girls were still wearing PJ clothes!!
She than nag nag nag scold scold scold us. The silent moments when she needed to breathe, was really awkward. I nearly laughed my ass out :X! Totally hate serious-silent-awkwardness. But her eyes are so sharp and scary, bagaikan shooting arrows into our brains. WTH;
When she decided to let us back into her class, KBT kept laughing at us -.-! You're lucky you start your prefect job today! If not, you will be with us, standing outside! HAHAHA! BIO TIME - It was fun! Played with the potato this time :D! Sorry ONIONS, but I ♥ POTATO more :) Everyone was busy playing with the cork borer thingy thingy. Google it if you don't know! Smart of LiJien to bring 3 potatoes ♥
Last 3 periods of school was a no-teacher, get it? So by 1:10pm, everyone CIAO-ed. Although we only finished our class at 2:20pm. Smartasses ;)

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