Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rose of sympathy

People dont care how much you know until they know how much you care.

It was quiet, peaceful in class. Less noise less fun? Felt so cold, like someone gave a cold shoulder to me. LionDance in the assembly hall today! It wasn't very fun because all I can see is Adrian Chai's head ==. Why must tallies stand infront, RIGHT infront of us and directly blocking the view?

I said to LiJien "If will look better is TB performed in the LionDance holding the Lion's head. But I kinda pitied the guy whose gonna carry him ;x"
Hehe. Can you believe, that I actually brought the Sejarah Intervensi home? PnFrancis asked us to. She asked us to do it at home. Yet, she believed us that we will NEVER cheat? I WONT! Swear! Being honest (:

Okay, Better start doing it. :D! I'm OUT!


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