Today is truly a day to remember! I mean for ME.
It's such a "meaningful" day. I may not mean anything to you,
but today is a vvvveeeerrrryyyy special day to me~!
Well, SPECIAL doesnt mean have to turn out to be something good, right?
It can mean BAD too. I'm not telling you this day is GOOD or BAD to me.
Finally can meluahkan perasaan. hmmmmmm
Felt so relieved. I'm so relieved I could cry my lungs out.
Will you believe I did? I don't care.
As long as I have my best friends with me. I don't care what happens.
Today is also the Beijing Olympics 2008~~~~~~!!
watched the fireworks. 1 word :-
They must have put in a lot of effort.
But I got bored watching it...
Anyone watched it until it ends? ;)
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