How would you know if you are not falling in love with the person you hate the most?
o m g x_ !!
I'm so lucky :DDD
there is an extra place for me !
I can go to the Phantom of the Opera play in SMK St. Mary !! :DDD
It was the last seat available. (:
My prayers really help me ! All thanks to Syekeel who didn't go.
So the extra place is mine ! ;DD

I didn't really want to miss it.
I bet it'll be FUN !
So I'm going to ponteng sekolah tomorrow. :)
I was in the discipline room.
PnChan was there. And I'm shaking as usual.
What if she asked me to cut my hair?
Or she would do it for me ! @-@
Surprisingly , she's such a funny teacher ! ;DD
She talk to MsKalpana. Which made me laugh like crazy!
PnChan : To say the truth , I really like this show. (Referring to the Opera play) Is it okay for me to join?
MsKalpana : hahaha! Don't you have lessons tomorrow?
PnChan : Yes but I can swob with other teachers. I will talk with MsNg later. See if I can PONTENG SEKOLAH!
MsKalpana : So sorry PnChan. It's full x) I will put you in the standby list.
PnChan : No! You will make me more depressed.
haha ;DD. She's really funny!
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