Dreams are hard to achieve.So we have to work hard to get it.
My com got some problems. =(
My dad says wanna RESTART the whole computer.
I'm blogging at my dads house. =((
I cant use the computer !! ><
Exams is just around the corner.
ahhhhhh !!
2 May 2008 
Netball competition today.
2a2 gonna fight 2a12 for the first round.
Wow.I cant believe Crystal.
She's really good. :O
No I mean really really really good. :D
She always look like a sweet and normal girl.
But I cant believe she have 'potential energy' !
LOL !! xP
I see Li Jien has no confidence in herself.
GO LI JIEN! You can do it.
It's all about BELIEVE not LUCK. (:
Didnt attend PBSM meeting today. Booo-ring ! :)
ughhh huuhhh. =C
I'm so damn stressed !
i) ICTL project ><
ii) Exams
iii) PBSM meeting
iv) PBSM ikrar X.X
D: ughh
didn't go pasar malam.
Just got over the phone with my grandfather :((
I'm angry ><
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